Circadian Rhythm.

Hello everbody!

Now, it's your turn. You must research circadian rhythm. You can read the links below and, of course, you can look for more information about it. In fact, you should look for information until you can explain it to a child clearly. Yes, you read right, A CHILD, because when you can explain something to a child it means that you understand the concept perfectly. 

In groups of 4-5 people, not more, you have to work on the following task:

Imagine Sam, your new 13-year-old British neighbour, is the guy you have to explain this to, how would you do it? Choose the tool you consider most suitable to explain to me how you are going to do it (word document, power point presentation with images, videos, or even your own audios (that would be absolutely great!) or another one you want to use. It's time to create!😀 

Some tips to take into account:

- Use Google drive and google docs/presentations to work, as a collaborative tool. You must share all the information you are working on with the whole group.

- If you have tech doubts or problems, go to "Recursos TIC". If the answer is not there, try to look for the solution yourself, it's much more rewarding! The net is open to everyone. 😉

The following image can help you to understand your task.

Note: Look at the hours carefully! It's not a clock.


See you soon!👋
